Sin Muertos No Hay Carnaval (Such is Life in the Tropics) (¡Hola Mexico!)


Main Theater Sat, Oct 14, 2017 5:15 PM
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The ¡Hola Mexico! Tour 2017 is a traveling film festival screening 9 of the best Mexican films that appeared during the 2017 Hola Mexico Film Festival in Los Angeles. The films are in Spanish with English Subtitles.

Sin Muertos No Hay Carnaval (Such is Life in the Tropics):

Emilio, a young man born into wealth, has inherited land and needs to evict a community of 250 families occupying it. He has an agent to help him: the very same double-dealing lawyer who is collecting money from the squatters to help with community improvements. But the squatters, sensing treachery, won’t let themselves so easily be torn from the land that is all they have. And the wealthy Emilio is caught in his own troubles over an accidental death caused by a stray bullet. Here in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil, the struggle between social classes is laid bare, and the tensions among haves and have-nots build inexorably towards violence.


Emilio, un joven acaudalado, ha heredado una tierra y busca desalojar a una comunidad de 250 familias que vive ocupándola. Tiene un agente para ayudarle: el mismísimo abogado corrupto que está recaudando fondos de las familias para el mejoramiento de su comunidad. Pero quienes ocupan el lugar, sospechando la traición, no van a dejar que les arranquen tan fácilmente de esta tierra que es todo lo que tienen. Y Emilio tiene sus propios problemas después de una muerte accidental causada por una bala perdida. Aquí en la ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil, la lucha entre las clases sociales se expone descarnadamente, mientras las tensiones crecen hacia la violencia.