BAL Membership Meeting


    Freeport LNG Theater Sat, Oct 17, 2020 2:00 PM


    By reserving a ticket to this meeting and entering The Center for the Arts & Sciences, you acknowledge and agree to follow this safety plan:

    • All guests must wear a face covering over their noses and mouths from the time they enter The Center for the Arts & Sciences until they exit The Center for the Arts & Sciences.

    • Guests experiencing any of the following symptoms must not enter The Center for the Arts & Sciences

      •               Fever

      •               Respiratory difficulties (coughing, trouble breathing, congestion, etc.)

      •               Coughing, sneezing runny nose

      •               Upset stomach or intestinal distress

      •               Chills

    • If you have been directly exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not enter The Center for the Arts & Sciences.

    •  An usher will show you to your seat. Please remain at least six feet away from the usher and all other parties while on The Center for the Arts & Sciences property (indoors or outdoors). Please do not congregate.

    •  If you need to use the restroom during the meeting, please use only your assigned aisle to exit the theater.

    • Only four people may be in the restroom at any one time. If standing in line, be sure you are at least six feet from others standing in the line.

    • Hand sanitizer stations will be positioned inside the lobby doors. Please open the door using the automatic door button and push that button with an elbow or other object.

    • No food or drinks, other than bottled water, inside The Center for the Arts & Sciences.

    • Once the meeting is over, please exit the building while maintaining at least six feet of distance from yourself and other parties. There will be no receptions or “meet & greet” following the meeting.

    • Follow all directions given to you by ushers, Center staff, and information posted on signs outside and inside The Center for the Arts & Sciences property.


    Thank you for following these guidelines! We apologize for any inconvenience, but it is important that if we open for public performances and gatherings that we do so as safely as possible and follow federal, state, and local guidelines. Your cooperation and participation in this safety plan will allow continued programming at The Center for the Arts & Sciences. If you do not agree to follow this plan and any revisions to this plan, please call (979) 265-7661 during regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) to return your registration.