Ruth Stone's Vast Library of the Female Mind



Directed by Nora Jacobson<
USA | 2021 | Documentary | 77 min | English
Film Source: Filmmaker
Sponsors: Anna Blackmer and Sue Burton

Not available on Virtual
*World premiere*
*Followed by Q&A with the director

After tragedy strikes, acclaimed poet Ruth Stone retreated to the margins of the literary world, working tirelessly to provide for her children, and transforming her intense grief into poetry, using simple, startling language. Using an intimate approach, the film, 12 years in the making, combines vérité footage of Ruth at different times of her life, reciting poetry and talking about how she writes, intertwined with the lively and heartfelt observations of people who knew her. These include award-winning poets Sharon Olds, Toi Derricotte, Major Jackson, Chard deNiord and Edward Hirsch, as well as those who knew her best — her daughters and grandchildren. Beloved by many, Ruth’s house in Goshen, Vermont, became a mecca for students, poets, friends and family members. There she inspired people to make art and write, not only through activities such as the “poetry game,” but by providing solace and nurture, surrounded by nature and camaraderie. ~Nora Jacobson