Presented in partnership with the John Wayne Birthplace!
In celebration of the return of the John Wayne Birthday Celebration, presentations of McLintock! will be presented *free* - a donation of $5 to the Iowa Theater is encouraged.
Please note that you must still obtain your free ticket(s) - either online or at the Iowa Theater box office - to ensure your seat(s), and must show tickets at the door for entry. Any unclaimed seats will be offered to unticketed walkup guests five minutes prior to showtime.
On pins and needles all day, waiting for the return of his daughter from college, the influential and self-made cattle king, mining, and timber baron, George Washington McLintock, has one more visitor: his estranged and obstinate wife, Katherine. With his empire carved out of a wilderness, the sudden arrival of settlers creates extra tension among the ranchers, and to further complicate matters, the territorial governor, Cuthbert H. Humphrey, bullies the local Comanche Indians, forcing them to abandon their land. For a small and dusty town near Mesa Verde, this is a bit more excitement than one could handle. Now, the Fourth of July celebration is just around the corner. Will G.W. reconcile with Katherine?