Where: Mariandale Retreat Center, Ossining, NY
When: January 19-21, 2024
Cost: $255.00 (includes room and board with six meals)
Who: Reverend Charlene A. Wingate and Retreat Committee Members
Rev. Wingate will be the facilitator for the Winter Sabbath. The theme is “Holding Hope in Hopeless Times: A Journey Through the Book of Revelations.” The retreat will embrace the apocalyptical hope of early Christians as we journey through the Book of Revelation and compare it to the current day events of our world. While many believe that the Book of Revelation is a symbolic foretelling of the end times, we will examine the many ways the Book of Revelation offers hope as we explore the ultimate defeat of evil through Jesus Christ’s victory over death. There will be time for personal reflection and group sharing.
About Reverend Wingate: Reverend Wingate is a lover of all things God, a restorative educator and a preacher who currently serves as Support Minister for Worship and Arts at the Riverside Church. As part of the worship team at Riverside, Rev. Wingate engages in creative collaboration that intentionally seeks to cultivate meaningful, diverse, and inclusive worship experiences for all. In addition, Rev. Wingate is an Adjunct Professor of various Education and Leadership courses for the Certificate Program at New York Theological Seminary, a member of the RISE Together Mentorship Network Advisory Council Executive Team, and an active member with the denomination of her ordained ministry, American Baptist Churches (USA).
Questions? Contact Joe Rogers at jrogers@trcnyc.org.