May 3 and 4 - Friday and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. both days. - Scheduled to show on 35mm film - Onsale for members 3/27 at 1 p.m.; for the general public, 4/3 on at 1 p.m.
What it is: Jeffrey Lebowski, a burn-out who loves nothing more than a little bowling, a White Russian and some Creedence, finds himself embroiled in a kidnapping case with a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of strands to keep straight - including German nihilists, Malibu kingpins and a similarly-named billionaire "The Big Lebowski."
Why we're showing it: Written and directed by the legendary Coen brothers, The Big Lebowski is one of their most beloved and popular films. Endlessly quotable, with a killer soundtrack, and outstanding performances by Jeff Bridges, John Goodman and just about everyone in the film, The Big Lebowski is a twisting, shaggy dog story which also somehow functions as a loveletter to the noir genre.
If you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with a sick individual, for the safety of others, please do not attend. Refunds are available for illnesses - please contact the Will Call office by phone or email.
Effective June 1 2022, the Artcraft is instituting a 3.25% fee on credit card orders to cover the cost of credit card company fees.