Series: Comedians & Comedies
Vermont Comedians present comedies that impacted their own sense of what’s funny.
The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981)
Presented by Amy Halpin Riley
Sunday, August 11 | 3:00 pm
U.S. | 88 minutes
Director: Joel Schumacher
The great Lily Tomlin does her thing in this comedy, written by Tomlin’s longtime creative partner Jane Wagner. This creative mix of physical comedy, satire, sci-fi and social commentary baffled critics when it came out in 1981, but has achieved cult status in the intervening decades.
Tomlin plays Pat Kramer, a suburban California housewife who gets chemical poisoning from household products, shrinks to a miniscule size, then becomes a media darling. Tomlin is helped out by a strong supporting cast featuring Ned Beatty, Charles Grodin and Henry Gibson.