How do we quantify happiness? In Bhutan, the self-proclaimed happiest country in the world, they have a mathematical formula for it. In the lovely and fascinating Agent of Happiness, directors Arun Bhattari and Dorottya Zurbo follow two government Happiness Agents as they trek through the Himalayas, assessing people’s contentment, even as their own could use a boost. Agent of Happiness has no axe to grind with the current system, though it does suggest that there may be nuance to our feelings that can’t quite be harnessed by a 1-10 scale. Instead, it focuses on people, mostly our agents, Amber and Guna, but also the many other people along their staggeringly beautiful Himalayan route. Gorgeously shot, quirky, and full of heart. Agent of Happiness is a thoroughly winning film. ~SM
A Science on Screen presentation, this film also features a talk after the 10/27 screening from UVM professor Dr. Chris Danforth who has developed a real-time remote sensor for global happiness using online interactions. He’ll talk about his team’s work with happiness, and compare it with what we’ve seen in the film.
An initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.