Sustainable Solutions


Lab A Sun, Jan 19 1:00 PM
Lab A Sun, Feb 16 1:00 PM
Water is life, and the challenge of keeping our water clean is one that grows and grows as our world changes. Where does the water that comes out of your sink come from? How is it made safe to drink?
Lab A Sun, Mar 16 1:00 PM
As the world around us changes, the way we inhabit it needs to change too! Learn about climate change effects and ways our communities can build climate resiliency.
Lab A Sun, Apr 20 1:00 PM
How do animals respond to our changing world? Climate change, habitat loss, and invasive species are all issues animals deal with. They have three options: move, adapt, or die. Come learn about different species and the ways they can be resilient to change just like us.
Lab A Sun, May 18 1:00 PM
Scientists gather important data, but how do they share their results with the public? How can we make data fun? Join us as we explore different mediums to share information and get the community involved. We’ll be putting the A in STEAM today!


Sustainable Solutions

Modern problems require modern solutions, and modern solutions
require passionate youth! Explore issues facing our changing world,
from climate change impacts to biodiversity loss. Participants will
learn about developing issues, collaborate with peers and brainstorm
innovative solutions that can make a real difference. Let’s turn
concerns into action and engineer a bright future together!

All workshops are held in the STEM Design Studios (unless otherwise
noted) at Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to

Please Note: Science Center exploration before your workshop is NOT
included in the price of your workshop. Science Center tickets can be
purchased at the Box Office the day of your workshop.
Tickets are $8 per member or $12 per non-member - per girl, per
workshop! Visit the Box Office the day of the workshop to add on a
ticket to the Science Center.