

The Historic Artcraft Theatre Fri, Feb 14 2:00 PM
The Historic Artcraft Theatre Fri, Feb 14 7:30 PM
The Historic Artcraft Theatre Sat, Feb 15 2:00 PM
The Historic Artcraft Theatre Sat, Feb 15 7:30 PM
Film Info
Series:Regular Series
Run Time:1 hour and 42 minutes
Release Year:1942
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Michael Curtiz
Cast:Humphrey Bogart
Ingrid Bergman
Paul Henreid
Claude Rains
Movie Sponsor:American Family Insurance - Paul Humbles Agency
Program Sponsor:American Family Insurance - Paul Humbles Agency
Backstage Sponsor:Kirk and Cheryl Bixler
Prize Sponsor:"… And Sewing is Half the Battle!"
Concession Sponsor:Mike Nugent
Cartoon Sponsor:Hillview Veterinary Clinic
Showcase Sponsor:John and Janet Mehling
Bar Sponsor:Franklin Jewelers
Volunteer Sponsor:Joe and Libby Gruss
Youth Programming Sponsor:Harold and Cathy Sisson


February 14 and 15 - Friday and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. both days. - Scheduled to show on 35mm film - On sale for members 1/15; on sale for the general public, on 1/122 at 1 p.m.

What it is: In Vichy France-occupied Morocco, a disillusioned American expatriate gets tangled up in a web of intrigue that pits Nazis and collaborators against his former lover and her Resistance leader husband.

Why we're showing it: Come celebrate Valentine's Day with one of the greatest romance pictures ever to hit the silver screen! With the undeniable chemistry of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, paired with unforgettable supporting performances from Claude Rains, Conrad Veidt and Peter Lorre, Casablanca is a timeless classic, just as enjoyable today as it was when it first screened during the height of World War Two.

If you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with a sick individual, for the safety of others, please do not attend. Refunds are available for illnesses - please contact the Will Call office by phone or email.

Effective June 1 2022, the Artcraft is instituting a 3.25% fee on credit card orders to cover the cost of credit card company fees.