The King of Instruments Winter Organ
The King of Instruments
Winter Organ Series features some of the world’s most outstanding organists
performing on Riverside’s famed Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, one of the most
magnificent instruments in the world. Each performance is preceded by a Laura
Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Carillon recital at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, January 30
Alan Montgomery, The Riverside
Thursday, February 6
Janet Yieh, Church of the Heavenly Rest
Thursday, February 13
Jason Roberts, Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, February 20
Raymond Nagem, Brick Church
Thursday, February 27
David Hurd, St. Mary the Virgin
Carillon recitals begin at 6:30
Performances Begin at 7:00 pm
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Run Time: 60 minutes without an intermission
Box Office Will Open: 5:30 pm
Tickets can also be purchased online and at the
Riverside Visitor Center.
For ticketing questions or problems please email
Or call the Riverside Visitor Center during operation
hours at 212-870-6792.