Directed by Lily Zepeda
USA | 2019 | Documentary | 87 min
Film Source: The Film Collaborative
Awards/premier festivals: HotDocs?2019 -Student Choice Award
Sponsors: Jane and Michael Michaud | Vermont Council on World Affairs
Followed by Q&A with Patricia Preston, Executive Director of Vermont Council on World Affairs (Tues, Oct 22 only)
To a stranger, he's a guy obsessed with toilets. But to those who know him, he's "Mr. Toilet," a crusader in global sanitation. Born in the Singapore slums, Jack Sim knows firsthand the agonies of not having a proper loo. Now, he's dedicating his life to a crisis no one dares talk about: Shit. Using humor as his main weapon, he plunges into his biggest challenge yet when he is asked to secure 6 million toilets for the "Clean India" initiative as the shocking conditions are exposed. Mr. Toilet is a strong, entertaining, character-based documentary about an impassioned, rebellious advocate who sometimes forgets the difference between raising awareness and producing results. ~OY